Jan Blonk’s book Battling Sexual Temptations and Sins: Overcoming through God’s Word and Spirit Kindle Edition is now on sale for $2.99. Sale ends January 27, 2018.

Are you enjoying Jesus’ forgiveness and victory on your behalf? Years ago, a mature Christian asked me: “Are you wiser than Solomon? Are you stronger than Samson? Do you love God more than David?” My three-fold answer was negative. He responded: all three fell into sexual sin. What are your answers to these questions?No one is immune to sexual temptations and sins. Therefore, you need to properly arm yourself with God’s Word and Spirit. Even when you fall, God has graciously provided for your forgiveness and restoration.Whether you occasionally struggle with sexual temptations or it’s a daily battle, having been overcome by them, there’s definite hope, genuine encouragement, and real victory, even in your defeat.”Battling Sexual Temptations and Sins” contains 40 devotionals, helping you enjoy Jesus’ victory on your behalf, making you an overcomer.

Follow Jan Blonk online at www.devotionalwriter.com.

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