“There’s nothing else like Calvin’s treatment of prayer… Calvin is both theological and practical, and as usual, he is very comprehensive. This is a rarity—deep theology with a spiritually elevated tone and savor that makes the reader want to pray.”

Timothy Keller in Prayer: Experiencing Awe and Intimacy with God

John Calvin on PrayerJohn Calvin’s work on prayer from The Institutes of Christian Religion has nourished souls and sparked a greater desire in prayer for almost 500 years.

His hallmark chapter on prayer is now available as a stand-alone Kindle book, making rich theology more accessible and affordable for those who might not otherwise stumble across it.

Readers of this new Kindle edition of the chapter from The Institutes (Beveridge Translation) called The Chief Exercise of Faith: John Calvin on Prayer will cover a wide scope of what prayer is and how to pray:

• Why prayer is the chief exercise of faith
• What it means to praying in Jesus’ name
• Calvin’s Four Rules for Prayer
• Exposit each of the six petitions of the Lord’s Prayer
• And more.

“So true is it that we dig up by prayer the treasures that were pointed out by the Lord’s gospel, and which our faith has gazed upon.” (John Calvin)

May this book encourage you to pick up your shovel and dig up gospel treasures by prayer.

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